Sunday, January 30, 2011

Waiting patiently....

Yesterday I asked Soren to wait patiently for me as I was getting ready to go to a 2yr old birthday party with him (which he was SO SUPER excited for!). It was awfully quiet as I was getting ready and this is what I found. Soren doing some winter reading!!! Love it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter in MN

Even though it has been COLD these past few weeks, the day that it actually got above 20degrees and relatively nice out, Scott and Soren spent some time out working on the driveway. It's amazing what fresh air will do for a 3yr old smile!

Oh, Farmer Boy...

Tonight was the second night of swimming lessons (the first one I hadn't attended). I asked Soren what his teachers names were as I hadn't seen these two before. He promptly answered, "Tractor and trailer!" :-)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just like his Daddy...

Scott will often read the paper, check out the coupons and read mail while eating breakfast, etc. Tonite as Soren was eating a bedtime snack he thought that he should check out the coupons and put random items on his grocery list! Oh, how he loves being like his daddy!!


Yesterday we got to spend a kid free, relaxing, entertaining day with some great friends!! We were able to go to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre to see "All Shook Up!" What was unbeknownest to us upon arrival was the impact a 3 month old would have on our day! Because of the fear of his possible crying and noise making we were upgraded to the Director's Box!! Sidenote:I honestly don't think I have EVER heard Mr Abott cry, so we weren't concerned about the noise factor!!! However, not really knowing where we were headed after lunch we obediantly followed the host to our 'viewing room.' It was a great surprise! Cushy, fabric seats that have leg room, rock back and forth, and quite possibly have the best view in the house! It was an awesome way to see the show!! For many reasons other than the great seats, the day was just an amazing blessing!

Ugly sweaters!?!?

Last weekend's holiday plans also included a progessive small group supper in that we were encouraged to wear festive ugly sweaters! Well, Scott and I didn't have any 'sweaters,' but we did find some beauties at the local Second Hand store!!! Of course, we got to enjoy yummy food, great company and the laughs that come along with White Elephant gifts!!!

Christmas in January-Newberg style!

This past weekend we were able to celebrate with Scott's family (immediate and extended)! Lutefisk, swedish sausage and yummy desserts...what more could a good scandinavian family want for Christmas!?!?! Soren and Aunt Sue checking out Uncle Loren's new was a hit!!

The whole Violet Newberg family...thank you camera's with timers!!

With MUCH anticipation, Soren FINALLY got the present he has asked for for TWO years! It is a Waterloo Boy tractor! He's asked for this tractor for every occasion since he discovered it on a John Deere tractor movie 2+ yrs ago. Why the fascination of THAT tractor?? Scott & I have NO idea! But we do know that every trip to Running's would include a visit to the Waterloo Boy! It has been talked about weekly for 2 yrs...and played with mulitple times a day since it's arrival!! It's a hit, for sure!!