Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Boy vs Girl????

Kinley had her 2 month check up yesterday!  Now, I know that she is smaller than Soren but I didn't realize how much smaller until I looked up his stats.  She is currently 11lb 14oz.....Soren was 14lb 12oz at 2 month.  Now, it that just the difference in boy vs girls or what?  Either way...she is happy & healthy! :)


The final event of the weekend was Kinley's baptism!  It was a wonderful day to commit to Kinley to raise her in a Christian home!  Scott sang Psalm 121 and I played the piano.  My Dad got to baptize Kinley! She is a blessing to us!

Kinley wore my baptismal gown that my mom made for me 31 yrs ago!

An attempt at a family picture!
Godparent picture.  Signe Penn, Trent & Tonya Sletto.  (Jeremy & Erica Skoglund were unable to attend)
The whole Sletto family.
Part of the Newberg family.


4 generations of Godparents/Godchildren.  Susan Sletto to Tammy Jacobson to Solveig Newberg to Signe Penn to Kinley Newberg.
Scott, Grandma Vi, Kinley & Grandpa Gary.

Happy baby in her gown....with blankets made by my Aunt Priscilla to match.
Pretty bracelet given to Kinley to wear by Trent & Tonya.

The 2nd birthday party

My niece Kari turned 2 on August 12th...since we were all together for the weekend we celebrated her birthday also!

 The Hungry Catepillar cake!

 One TASTY cupcake!

 Opening presents wasn't a problem!

 The Penn men watching Kari.

One cool chick with her new shades!

John Deere Party

This past weekend we were able to celebrate Soren's 4th birthday with lots of family and friends!  As you guessed the theme was John Deere.....his absolute favorite!

 The John Deere cake...complete with dairy cows, fence, baler & bales for his cows to eat.

 The Sletto girl cousins.  Kinley, Signe, Sara & Kari.

 We now have a dairy farm at our house to go with all the tractors!

 *Most* of the kids!

 Family pic

 Blowing out the candles!

Working on the magnet farm with Grammie Sue!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Interview with a 4 yr old

What are you thankful for today? Kinley
What's something you're really good at? Playing tractors
What's something you wish you knew how to do? Fly an airplane like Grandpa Terry
What would you like to be when you grow up? A Dad
What's your favorite song? John Deere (theme song on DVD's)
Does God have hair? Nope
Who or what do you hope you'll see when you get to heaven? God
What do you like better: water or milk? milk hugs or kisses? hugs bedtime or waking up? waking up coloring or singing? singing wearing shoes or being barefoot? shoes
What does heaven look like? a world
What do you think God does all day? prays
If God asked you to help Him create a new animal, what would you make? a green cow
When was your happiest moment ever? at Games Lake this summer
Are you ever sad about anything? no
If you could do whatever you wanted all day long, what would you do? Play

Today was Soren's birthday!  He many special phone calls, to eat Pizza Ranch & Dairy Queen and just to play all day! He does have a party to look forward to on Saturday....so stay tuned for pics!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Two Months

Once again, it's hard to believe that 2 months have passed!  Kinley remains a great baby!  She is sleeping from 8pm to 6.30-7am.  Feeding before I go to bed and once in the night!  She sleeps for 4-8 hrs at a time! Where does time go?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend Away~

Soren loving playing at the motel!

 Kinley hanging out by the pool with Daddy!

 Como Zoo!

 The swing-ride was a favorite!

 Soren is proud of his 'drivers license' that he received from this ride!

The result of TWO days without naps & a busy day at Como.
 Sloan, Soren & Adam!

10 yrs ago these guys were all working at Target & were bachelors!  Fast-forward 10 yrs and they are all married with kids! It was a different gathering than 10 yrs ago but still fun! :)

For some reason this I couldn't put this paragraph at the top...ugggh!!!  This past weekend the four of us got to spend some time together in Minneapolis! It was nice and relaxing yet fun and entertaining. It was just nice to get-a-way, the four of us!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Abundantly Blessed!

Last night my good friends/small group held a baby shower for Kinley & I!  It was awesome:)  We started out the evening by 'popcorn prayer' for Kinley & I!  I was overwhelmed with emotion as these many different ladies prayed for us!  For now and what's to come in life....for the good times & challenging times!  It was awesome to look around at the wide variety of women there and just what they had to offer/encourage/share!  Also, because I am not a fan of the traditional shower games the ladies made a toybox for Kinley.  Complete with building blocks for A to Z!  Of course there was great food and great company! 

 The ladies that came to celebrate Kinley's life!

 Two of the most amazing women ever!  Thanks Ladies!!!!
Beth & Emily

 You can see the toybox and blocks on the bottom of this picture!

Kinley, Myself, Holly & Alec!  Alec is only 3 days younger than Kinley!  Holly and I went through alot together with these pregnancies!  I couldn't have done it without her amazing support/prayers!  It will be fun to see them grow up together!

Smiley baby...

We have seen some smiles out of Miss Kinley these past few weeks but in the last week she has exploded with them!  Of course, I can't catch it on photo but here are some attempts!

South Dakota

 This past weekend we were able to spend it with my folks!  It was their town's Harvest Days!  Soren enjoyed the 'train' above!

 A lawn mower ride from Grandpa!

 Kinley spent time on the counter helping Grammie Sue make supper!

 Grammie Sue & Soren on the teeter-toter! (sp?)

 Riding the train throughout the park!

 Kinley was there, too!!

Grammie Sue, Soren, & Grandpa 'following the yellow brick road!'

County Fair

 This was Soren's first rollercoaster ride and he LOVED it! 

The highlight for him was the tractor-pull!!  Kinley & I didn't go due to noise, etc so here is the picture of him right before going with Daddy to watch!!  He's already talking about next year when we go!

Monday, August 8, 2011

4 yrs old

So, Soren doesn't technically turn 4 until the 24th but here is a preview of the pics my friend Emily took!  I may be biased but that are perhaps some of my favorites!