Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bath Buddies

Tonite Soren asked if Kinley could take a bath with him so.....why not, right!?!?!  She LOVES her bath time and enjoyed her time in the 'big' tub as well!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well balanced diet?

Last week Scott went to the Vikings game with my bro-in-law and his kids!  Of course, when he got home Soren wanted to know all about it.  The *most* important question to Soren was what did Daddy have to eat there.  Scott mentioned that he had a brat, pop and some nachos.  Soren then replied, "What about your fruit & veggies, Dad?"  Hmmmm.....they didn't have those at the game, I guess!!! :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kinley Violet

How our little babe is already 5 months old....I am not so sure!!?!?  She is absolutely a joy to us (we may be a bit biased, though!)!!!!  She is turning into a bundle of smiles.  She is *mostly* sleeping through the nite...from 7.30pm-7am.  With 2 or 3 naps per day!  She is loving eating her veggies, especially peas, and most recently pears & bananas!  We are blessed this Christmas season!


There is RARELY a morning that Scott & I are here together.  This morning was an exception.  I got up to feed Kinley at 7am and then brought her back to bed to cuddle with us as we didn't have to get up and get going asap.  Well, it wasn't to long after I got back in bed that I heard some rummaging going on downstairs!  You see, we got our Cmas tree yesterday after coming home from Grammie Sue's and Soren was intent on it getting decorated before church.  After constant asking I finally got out of bed to see what all the commotion was about.  Well, Soren had gotten out all of the Cmas decor tubs and had hauled them to the bottom of the stairs ready to be carried up by an adult.  He had also brought the one tub up he could carry and had taken inventory of it's contents.  He could not contain his excitement as we MADE him eat breakfast and get dressed for church.  He is asleep now...... just waiting to decorate the tree after naptime. 

 He got to put ONE ornament on the tree before church....of course it was a tractor!!

 Inspecting the 'other tractor'.......making sure no damage was done from last year!
No damage...pure joy!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First snow.....

Soren was SO excited today as he looked out and it was snowing!   He spent a good hour 'working' outside today.

 Attempting to catch the first snowflakes in his mouth!!

Working on clearing the driveway for Daddy!!

Happy Kin~

Kinley LOVES, LOVES, LOVES being 'upright' and 'seeing' the action....therefore she loves her excersaucer!!  Here she is enjoying watching Soren play!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Comment by Soren~

Last nite as we were sitting around our supper table I commented to Scott, "What could be any better than playing Go Fish and Memory with our four year old?!"  Soren leans over to me and whispers, "We could go to Dairy Queen!" :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Monumental Day

Two major milestones were achieved this morning at the Newberg house~

 Kinley tried rice cereal...and the jury is still out on it from her perspective! :)

 However, the cereal must've given her an extra burst of energy as she rolled over today!!  Maybe it was a fluk.....but she was a happy camper!  You can see her right arm is still tucked under her.

Soren sharing in the excitement of rolling over!


 LarryBoy was a hit this year!!  Soren got to wear his costume to 4 different events and loved every minute of it!  Thanks Grammie Sue!
 Laura the Carrot!!!
The hayrides at the Schueler Pumpkin Party were also a hit with our 4 yr old!