Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter fun

This past week I was organizing some of the great hand-me-downs that we have gotten and came across these bows!!  I think they are super cute....but just don't think to put them in Kin's hair on a daily basis.  Well, Soren thought we should try them all's tough being the little sister!!

 I LOVE that it was warm enough outside for Soren to spend 2 hrs playing only to come in with WET, WET clothes!!! :)

7 months old

Well, we were able to celebrate Kinley's 7 month milestone by taking her to the MD where she was diagnosed with her first bilateral ear infection!!  Uggghhhh!!!  However, she is happy as can be now that the antibiotics are working.....and I am hoping this a one time diagnosis!!  Soren had already had 2 or 3 infections as this I am hoping she can skip the tubes that he had!! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lazy Days~

Kinley is feeling a bit under the weather with a it was a good day to stay home and just clean and hang out!!

 Soren loves to hang out near his sister and just chat with her!!!

 Kinley has just start to 'get-up' on all four extremities....of course, I can't catch her in action...but crawling is in our future!

 Mr Clean was helping me with dusting while our banana muffins were baking.

What you can't see here is the 'fort' Soren built for the two of them! 

Spring-like days....

We have been so blessed this winter by very mild weather (until today!!)!!

Scott is loving this weather for farming/chores/etc!  The kids and I are loving playing at the park in January in fleece coats and just playing around outside our house!!!

 One happy Kin as she watched Soren and I play football and soccer!!

Soren loving his new wheelbarrow!!

Sletto Christmas

This past weekend we were able to celebrate Cmas with my family at my folks' house in SD.  Here are a few pics~

 The 'big' kids watching Scooby-Doo in the garage until the rest of the 'little' kids wake up and the parents, too!!

 Josiah's pre-gift opening yoga!

 The CUTEST 2 yr old girl around.....Kari!!

 Soren opening his JD wheelbarrow!

 An attempt at cousin picture!

 Micah and Soren watching Ben's bball game!

 Supporting #5....Ben Sletto!!

Josiah & Soren playing with Josiah's new Cmas blocks!