Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Program

This past week Soren had his spring program at preschool!  Let me tell you he was BEYOND excited about this event.  We talked about it for a good 2 weeks before the scheduled day. BEYOND excited that Grandpa Gary, Grandma Julie, Scott & I were going to attend! BEYOND excited he was the 'caterpillar' in The Hungry Caterpillar 'play!' (Very fitting as he is a bottomless pit also!) BEYOND excited that he got to sing some songs and recite some poems. BEYOND excited that his best bud Abram was also in the program! BEYOND excited that we got to eat some yummy food following the program! 

Spring is here

 Scott's Aunt Marikay called us this winter to say that one of her co-workers was getting rid of their trampoline and wondered if anyone wanted it!!  Right away, she thought of us and THANKFUL we are!  Scott got it all put together today and I can't WAIT for all the energy that will be spent on this this summer (makes for great naps!)!!!

 Soren has been into climbing trees amazed me how FAR up he climbed in our backyard!!

Cute summer babe!! :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013


After quiet time today...I told Soren he needs to clean up his room (there were Legos all over)!!! He response was, "But mom, it's a garbage's SUPPOSED to be messy!" Quick & clever thinking on his part! :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Go away snow.....

This has been the SECOND Thursday in a row that Kindergarten Round-up has been cancelled!  Therefore we've had one disappointed 5 1/2yr old!  I posted this pic to remind me what green grass looks like....hoping to see some soon! :)

Family time...

This past week my uncle Russell (mom's brother) passed away. This meant that I was able to go up to ND to spend a few quick days with my family.  Unfortunately, I didn't take many pics but here are the 2 I did take! It's been a long time since the Haugen relatives have been together as most of the cousins are married and we all are spread out in geography. It made me realize how much I miss those family times.  There were so many get-togethers growing up and now due to 'life' we just don't get to have those times any more.  It was great to hear and share family memories of Russell, the 6 kids (my mom and her siblings), and the variety of perspectives there were on each situation. It was also SO good to hear my dad preach. It's almost been a year since he retired and I didn't realize how much I missed hearing his message.  He was able to give the sermon at Russell's funeral.  My mom also did an amazing job giving the eulogy!

Solveig, Tonya, Siri & Signe
Cynthia, Susan, Sharon, Dorothy and Priscilla (5 out of the 6 aunts)