Sunday, June 30, 2013

Night out with Soren

Last night we were able to go on a 'date' with Soren!  We ate at Applebee's and then went to a show!  Not just any show, but the local production of The Sound of Music! What made it SO special was that 2 of our favorite people were in it!  Our friend Emily was a nun/sister and Aubrey played Gretl!  Soren absolutely loved it (as did we)....and has been talking about it all day long! :)

Well done ladies! Looking forward to more of the Schueler Duo in the future!


When signing up for community ed & rec....Soren was given the option to pick 2 of the 6 possible activities open for him.  He picked soccer & gymnastics!  Gymnastics just finished this last week....and he LOVED it! :)


Scott, Matt & Jeff all worked together at Target. 12 years later, add 3 wives and 6 kids they were all reunited for some good old Minnesota water fun!!  Life is certainly different than it was 12 years ago....but we wouldn't have it any other way! :) 

 Soren & Adam played on the beach like crazy!!

 Fishing remains a big hit!!

 Kinley and her baby swinging!

 Painful smiles as mom makes them take ANOTHER picture!! :)

 The Brandels
 The Newbergs
 Soren COULD NOT WAIT to ride Jeff's jet ski!  He even got a lesson on how to drive it!  

 The 'first' boat ride of the week!

Baby Fallon....she is amazing and adorable! She got lots of loving!

Kinley even got a ride on the jet ski....and loved it! 

Tubing was a blast! :)

 Happy Kinley and Mesa!

The 6 kids....from 8 weeks to 5 3/4yrs.

 Most of the crew!!

Thanks for an amazing time!!  :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Kinley's 2!!

Today is Kinley's 2nd birthday.  She currently checks in at 30lbs and 36 inches tall!! She loves all things baby (real or pretend).  She loves to be next to Soren, doing whatever he is doing! She is independent!  She loves to dance! She loves to be any weather! :) She is adventurous and happy! She loves to laugh, giggle and to be tickled!  She loves to be next to me...on my lap, 'helping' me in whatever way possible! She is social! She loves playing with her buddies, Kari, Abbott, Alec and Ryker! We love her!  She was well worth the long wait and we couldn't imagine life without her now!  We love you Kinley Roo!! :)

Silly girl!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What a weekend!!

Even though we had a fantastic weekend the thing that 'sealed' the deal for me was our Sunday evening.  We rode our bikes over the the local 'island' for some 'animal hunting' per Soren's request.  Spent some time exploring/running the trails!  Then headed home via the walking bridge over the train yards!  It was an absolutely beautiful evening!

Birthday Weekend

Miss Kinley turns 2 tomorrow!  More to come about her...but here are some of the pics from our celebration!  It was absolutely fantastic to have family here!  It was a crazy busy house filled with lots of food and laughter! 

 Once again, the 'free' trampoline was a huge success!!

 Reading was a good 'downtime' activity!

 Sara learning to french braid Siri's hair.

Grammie Sue snuggling the with little girls.
After cheering Siri & Scott on in the Foot Lake 4...we stopped by the firehouse for a tour of the fire engines!

 The parade was a great time!

The parade crew!

 Elmo/Seasame Street was the theme this year!  Of course, I need to serve fruits & veggies with all meals and so the above idea was perfect!  (thank you pinterest!)

 Kinley opened about 2 presents and then was absolutely 'done!' She got her boots and baby stroller and was not one bit interested in opening any more!  So.....

Kari & Soren 'helped' open the rest!

Soren's 'card' he made just for Kin...the back of a cereal box! :)

Such a serious birthday girl!!!

This was my attempt at a family pic!  Kin was absolutely distraught at putting her baby down...'normal' life with a 2 yr old...I guess! lol

 Blowing out candles!

Much happier!

Grammie and Kari!

Cousins playing!!

 Rockin' the boots while pushing the baby around!

 A friendly game of spoons!!

 Last attempt at a family pic!

Soren gave Kinley a camping chair....also a hit! :)  Still rockin' the boots!