Saturday, October 31, 2009

Soren's sayings...

On Thursday, Scott and Soren were at Menards shopping when Soren belted out, "There's a hole in my owie, dear Soren, dear Soren." Of course to the tune of 'There's a hole in my bucket dear Liza, dear Liza.' We aren't sure what owie he was talking about:-)

Yesterday as we were preparing for the Schueler Pumpkin Party, Soren got to try on his cow costume after naptime. He came out to show me and said, 'This cow is HUNGRY."

Monday, October 12, 2009

While Soren and I were walking out of the YMCA today it was snowing pretty good...Soren grabs a taste of snow and says, "It tastes like chicken, mama."

Saturday, October 10, 2009

You know you live in MN when

One day you are outside raking the leaves, enjoying the nice weather....

and the next day you are stuck inside because it's COLD and SNOWY outside!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My favorite 2 year old

I haven't uploaded any of Soren's 2 year pics...but this in one of my favorites!!

Happy Birthday!

Scott's 32nd birthday is tomorrow! Unfortunately, I work a 12hr shift and so we are celebrating with friends (and their birthdays) on Friday night! He is an amazing husband and wonderful father and we are more than excited to celebrate his 32 years! We love you-