Saturday, October 31, 2009

Soren's sayings...

On Thursday, Scott and Soren were at Menards shopping when Soren belted out, "There's a hole in my owie, dear Soren, dear Soren." Of course to the tune of 'There's a hole in my bucket dear Liza, dear Liza.' We aren't sure what owie he was talking about:-)

Yesterday as we were preparing for the Schueler Pumpkin Party, Soren got to try on his cow costume after naptime. He came out to show me and said, 'This cow is HUNGRY."


  1. Kids are so funny!! I love hearing their little sayings! I hope that the hungry cow got some yummy treats! Addi had a great time! We were thinking about all of you for the pumpkin party!! I am sure it was great fun!
