Thursday, February 25, 2010

Who could resist such an offer!?!?

It seems like our household has been sick for the last 4-5 days.....with somebody not feeling well at any given time! I thought that I had escaped all the germs until early this morning:-(!!! Soren snuggled up to me on the couch this morning and asked, "if he could rub my tummy so that I feel better." Of course, I said 'yes!"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Family Vacation

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Family Vacation highlights include:
Soren's first airplane ride, visiting the San Diego Zoo, San Juan Capistrano, having a wonderful date day with my husband at Disneyland, experiencing our first earthquake, surviving driving in LA traffic,having some wonderful mexican food and seafood, but most of all....hanging out with my sister and her wonderful family!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day one down...

I was ready to do many loads of laundry today!! Excitedly, I did NONE!!! Soren didn't have a single accident today. Tomorrow might be a different day...but it's looking promising:-)!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On potty training...

Officially we will start potty training tomorrow. Soren will 'go' when we ask him but won't offer to go himself!! So, today we bought some 'big-boy' underwear and treats for successful training. BUT....I am looking for any advice you other moms might have. Wish us luck:-)!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thoughts from today...

It's hard to be 2 yrs old and trying to ride your scooter in the just get stuck!!

That I should really learn how to use the snowblower. When Scott is gone, shoveling the wet/heavy snow isn't my idea of fun!

The wet/heavy snow is really making me look forward to 65 degrees and sunny. Well, I'm also excited to see my sister and her family in CA:-)!!!