Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On potty training...

Officially we will start potty training tomorrow. Soren will 'go' when we ask him but won't offer to go himself!! So, today we bought some 'big-boy' underwear and treats for successful training. BUT....I am looking for any advice you other moms might have. Wish us luck:-)!


  1. I'm not really sure what worked for us technique-wise, but we used a lot of patience and praise when Evan was successful. We also reminded ourselves that we don't know any students who are still in diapers... have patience, relax, let him figure it out, and it will happen! :) Good luck! Go, Soren, go!

  2. We highly recommend many cans of clorox wipes for when he learns to stand and shoot! Then teach him how to scrub his misdirected aims.
