Monday, October 25, 2010

Baking weekend....

This past weekend, while the uncles were working, the Sletto aunts and cousins got together at Grammie Sue and Grandpa Terry's house for a good time! We made two batches of lefse, yummy applebutter, chokecherry jelly, homemade applesauce and of course new recipes were tried for feeding the troops:-)!!!
Soren spent the first 24hrs watching all the cousins play as he ran a temp of >102....thankfully no one else got sick and he recovered quickly!

Many, many games (outside and inside) were played, books read and just plain fun was had!

The 'little' kids played hard!!

Grammie Sue and Signe starting the applebutter process!!

Micah, Ben, Josiah
Sara, Soren, Signe & Kari

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