Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A sign of things to come???

I have to say that this pregnancy has been VERY different than Soren's. It's been difficult right from the start. I didn't feel well with this one until 17-18 weeks along and we are only 20 weeks now!! So I'm praying that we've turned one HUGE corner and I'm able to enjoy the rest (well except for those last few weeks, I suppose:-)) of the pregnancy!!! I really do feel blessed to have Soren, for the most part he is an awesome will this child try our patience? We have our ultrasound next week and I'm super excited!!! I'd like to know if this child will have red hair also....a boy or girl....oh all those fun things that we wonder about until his/her birthday!! I can't believe that we are 1/2 way there...but like my sister says, "It's the last month that's the longest!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey do I know what you mean. I had an easy pregnancy both times but this one is surely trying our patience. Landon is good he just isn't as easy as Addi was.

    I do hope that things get easier....we are thinking about you guys!!
