Thursday, July 19, 2012


These past few days have been some of the most relaxing yet fun filled ones I have had all summer!  My dear friend Emily & her daughter Aubrey AND Soren & I spent some time in Omaha!  Why?  You ask???? Jen, another dear friend, and her kids, Addison and Landon, live there!  Jen's husband, Bill, is deployed to Bahrain for a year and so we thought we would go and spend some time with them!!

 The Omaha Zoo was a hit!!!  There were SO many things to see we didn't get to see them all....SO I guess we'll have to go back! 

 The Polar Bear was eating a cantaloupe!

 Touching a starfish.

 It was VERY cool!

 Soren's favorite was the Aquariam where you walk below the sharks, fish & stingray!

 On the 'creepy' Soren called it!  Walking through the jungle!

 Addi & Soren learned to dive for sticks....following Aubrey's lead!

 Soren is always looking up to Aubrey & Emily!  Well, since Emily was giving Aubrey a diving lesson....Soren thought he should learn also!!!  I was amazed at the head first dives he did off the side of the pool AND the diving boards!!

 Instructions from Emily!

 It was ABSOLUTELY refreshing to have Jen's pool to play in!!  The kids loved the time in there as well as the adults!!! Cafe Jen served us coffee upon request and even the kids got 'kid coffee' at breakfast!!   What a TREAT it was!!!

 After a LONG day at the zoo, playing in the pool, and just playing hard some Veggie Tales was in order!  It was nice and cool in the basement!

 The next day we were ready to head to a splashpark in the makes 99 degree heat MUCH more bearable!!  It wasn't even super busy!!

 Love Soren's face!!!

 The last evening we were able to get a babysitter and go out for supper and dessert!  JUST the mommies!! :)  It was a super relaxing evening.  I am thankful for these ladies friendship, support through this journey of motherhood and to be surrounded by AMAZING moms by which I can learn and grow!!  But also, that my child has other wonderful Christian role models in his life that when I fall short they help pick up the slack!!! Thanks ladies!!!

Addi, Soren, Aubrey and Landon
I pretty sure they are the cutest kids on Monroe Street in Omaha!!! :)

T Ball

These past 5 weeks have also been filled with tball on Thursday mornings!  Well, I finally remembered my camera today!  Here are a few shots!

Soren was running to first base.

 Happy to have made it safely!

 The coach kept moving around and I wasn't able to get a good action batting here's the best one!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Old friends

10 years ago nobody was married...nobody had kids...and we were just able to relax at the lake without worrying about naptime or lunchtime!! 

Times have changed!!!

Fast forward a few weddings, moves, births and lots of good times and here we are!  Our friends, Matt & Nancy, Jeff & Mesa (even tho she wasnt able to make it) were able to come and hang out with us this week!  I wasn't on top of my picture taking game but here are a few photos!

Adam raspberry picking at one of my coworkers house!

Soren looking high and low for the perfect one to pick!

Soren & Sloan giving us a concert!

Soren, Uncle Matt & Adam fishing!

Sloan & Soren listening to Uncle Jeff tell stories!

Kinley found a new hiding place on the bottom shelf of a kitchen rack!

Soren REALLY loved fishing!!!

Our 'hotel!'

On the boat!

Soren, Jeff & Sloan!

The three 'big' kids LOVED the boat!  Unfortunately, I didn't have baby Aaron in any of my pics (he's 3 mos old)!!!

The Newberg Family July 2012!!!


One of our many summer activites has been soccer!! It only meets 1x/week and has been blasting hot most of the weeks but Soren is loving *most* of it!!  He especially loves being the goalie!

More on parenting...

As we were sitting at the lunch table today Soren say to me, "Mom, you are doing a GREAT job with Kinley!  Nice work!"  :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


As I as browsing some blogs today this one really hit home for me!  So I will share it with you!

“Paying attention to the beauty and kindness surrounding us develops sensitivity and gives us a calmer outlook on life because it brings our focus to the moment, away from the anxiety of the future or past.”
This is a quote from Calm and Compassionate Children: A Handbook by Susan Usha Dermond. This is an inspiring and helpful book, and tops my 2012 reading list. Ms. Dermond calls the practice of thinking positive, uplifting thoughts high-mindedness. I like her word.* It reminds me of Colossians 3, in which Paul extols the Church to remember that they are now with Christ, and therefore their hearts and minds must be focused on things above. As parents, we promote high-mindfulness by our example, by controlling our children’s environment, and by teaching our children to reflect on their thoughts and behaviors. This takes time, patience, and effort. It’s worth it!

Official stats

At Kinley's 1 yr check up she weighed 23lbs 10oz and was 30inches tall.  Soren was 25lbs 4oz and only 1/2 inch taller!  I LOVE the chubby rolls of skin my babes have at this age!! 


Lake Beauty Bible Camp was our 'hotel' of choice this past weekend!  Let me tell you that Soren would LOVE to take up permanent residence there if he could!!  He tried SO many new things....and loved to hang out with his favorite friends and family!!  He is such a water boy....jumping off the dock was a favorite!  I didn't get a pic of it...but he & I went kayaking and loved it!

 This is one of the only shots I have of Roo...she is moving so fast these days my camera can't keep up with her actions!!  She also LOVES the beach...and eating the sand....and drinking the lake water!! :)  If only we'd feed her she wouldn't have to do that, right Emily!?!?!  :)

Soren cruising down the giant slide!

 Providing us with pre-dinner music!

 The first night I asked Soren what he thought about LBBC so far??  His resonse was, "Thumbs up mom!"

Hanging out with his buddy Abram is always fun...but even MORE fun when they are camping RIGHT NEXT DOOR!!!

Smore making with daddy!

Snugging with mommy!

It's a 'treat' to watch PBS kids....because no one else is up and mom wants you to keep quiet!

One of the *many* highlights for Soren was riding the banana boat for the first time!!  In the first 10 seconds he turned back to me and said, "This is rockin mom!"  His claim to fame is that one time the rest of us kids and adults got thrown off and he stayed on the boat!  He LOVED it!

Our wonderful camper-mates, the Daniel family!!

Soren got 1/2 way up the rock wall and then decided to wait until next year to finish!!!

Riding around camp in Abram's jeep!

Horseback riding!

A wonderful place!!  Many memories were created and we are looking forward to many more years of LBBC!!!