Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Old friends

10 years ago nobody was married...nobody had kids...and we were just able to relax at the lake without worrying about naptime or lunchtime!! 

Times have changed!!!

Fast forward a few weddings, moves, births and lots of good times and here we are!  Our friends, Matt & Nancy, Jeff & Mesa (even tho she wasnt able to make it) were able to come and hang out with us this week!  I wasn't on top of my picture taking game but here are a few photos!

Adam raspberry picking at one of my coworkers house!

Soren looking high and low for the perfect one to pick!

Soren & Sloan giving us a concert!

Soren, Uncle Matt & Adam fishing!

Sloan & Soren listening to Uncle Jeff tell stories!

Kinley found a new hiding place on the bottom shelf of a kitchen rack!

Soren REALLY loved fishing!!!

Our 'hotel!'

On the boat!

Soren, Jeff & Sloan!

The three 'big' kids LOVED the boat!  Unfortunately, I didn't have baby Aaron in any of my pics (he's 3 mos old)!!!

The Newberg Family July 2012!!!

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