Sunday, December 16, 2012

How he adores her.

One of our advent 'lessons' was on the virtue of sharing/giving.  One morning Soren woke up to 5 $1 bills on the table.  He was BEYOND excited, I am sure thinking of ways HE was going to spend that money on himself.  Well, his thoughts were re-directed to our 'lesson' of the day.  He needed to think one how to spend that money on somebody else!  Whether it be donating it to the Salvation Army, church offering, buying something that would be appreciated to a friend or family member etc.  I told him he had to think about it for the next 24 hrs and to let me know what his decision was. The next morning came and he was beyond excited about buying Kinley a 'puppy!' There was not another option.  You see, Kin absolutely loves puppies.
Here's a pic of him giving it to her....SO excited
Kin loving the puppy...she now has two puppies to love on!

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