Monday, August 19, 2013

Pedal Pull

There has been an ongoing discussion on our house all summer long....Soren REALLY wanted to participate in the pedal pull at the county fair this year.  Well, FINALLY after waiting until last weekend he was able to 'pull!' He was SO super excited!  He came bounding up the stairs that morning with his JD tractor shirt on, ready to eat breakfast, and wanting to head to the fairgrounds ASAP!  It was a loooong wait for dad to arrive back home after doing chores (i.e. 10am) but we survived! :)

 We didn't realize that Kinley could also participate!  So we put her on the seat....and she 'let' the officiant push her the whole way....enjoying every bit of it!!

 I love the look of determination on Soren's face!!

 He was SO excited to have placed 2nd....a pull of 29ft 9in!! He was super excited to have received a trophy! :)

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