Monday, October 1, 2012

It *was* a good idea.....I thought!

I have just finished working a weekend of 12 hr nights!! O how I dislike how I feel when trying to return back to a 'normal' schedule!  I feel physically sick, am quick to be grouchy at my kids and husband, feel very unmotivated and just yucky!!! So in an attempt to remain grouch free I had what I thought was a great morning planned.  We headed to the YMCA...I got to workout and the kids played, we headed home to clean up, grabbed a pumpkin latte and headed out to one of the local recreation areas for some fall outdoor fun. Where I could sip on my latte and the kids could run free and jump in leaves!  There were plans of looking for sticks, animal tracks, beaver homes and pretty leaves!! Well...the first 10% of the trail went well and then the littlest one decided that she did NOT like this plan.  There was crying and fussing....I was not able to drink my latte and relax...we got to the bridge and Kinley was NOT happy that we couldn't go in the water.  SO we headed back to the car.  As a consolation to Soren for a hike shortened by his little sister I agreed to stop at the playground. Well this to was short lived as it was not a 15month old appropriate playground. When we left...I had 2 grumpy kids and 1 grumpy mama....NOT what I had planned for the morning at all!!
Soren excited to find walking sticks!

 Not a bad shot for a grumpy girl and a 5 yr old photographer.
 Soren asked to have his picture taken!
 This sums it all up!! :)

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