Monday, October 15, 2012

Today's Adventure

It is a DAILY occurance that Soren asks what's on the agenda for the day..not just any agenda but something that includes FUN!!!  This boy LOVES to be active/busy!  So, since it was another gorgeous fall day I surprised him with a new adventure. Well, he's been there 2x before with preschool but not in an unstructed environment.  Our town has a walking bridge over the railroad tracks. Soren was in heaven!  He absolutely loved looking at all the trains, guessing what was inside, where they were headed, which ones were going to be used next, on and on it went! :)  We spent a good hour there and left on the condition that we would return soon and possibly would pack a lunch so we could sit, eat and watch! Who needs the movies, eh!?! 
Loving it....
 Patiently waiting for the next activity..
This as good as it gets with a 16 month old...

Smiley girl..

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